Friday, 9 March 2012


          As mentioned before, teachers normally are being trained on the pedagogy of teaching and learning rather than to understanding the concept itself. Therefore, we are sure that every teacher knows how to perform the calculation and pass it in the same way the application to the students without knowing the actual concept of the formulas and where or how it is coming from.
When some of the high curiosity students expecting to learn more than simply the application itself, teacher find that it is hard to analyse and elaborate the concept, and letting students to be more easily relating the understanding they are performing, into the real world of application. This is because mathematics does not come by itself without any reason. By looking through how those mathematicians creating those formulas, we can see that most of them are stranded into a real world situation, which inspire them to design and manipulate suitable formula to be use by everyone else.
            The intelligence in overcoming difference learning background also is a big challenges to a teacher especially in local, there are three main different learning background and each of them are conducting their own creativity so help students improving their understanding. When all of them are gathered into one same teacher, the teacher will found that one same question will lead to many difference applications which come to the same answer. So it is depending on ones intellectual to judge the marking scheme. Any inappropriate action will undermines confidence students’ confidence in performing the same calculation in future.

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